Central Committee Letter Examples

Sample Letters - Below are four letters that other members of our Central Committee have sent to their constituents in the neighborhood. Click the button under the letter to download the text.

Slate Cards - We have envelope sized slate cards printed at Bridgewater that you can add to your letter.

Address Labels - To get address labels for your precinct, the best thing to do is call the Butler County Board of Elections. The phone number is (513) 887-3700 and is open weekdays from 8:30 to 4:30. You will need to tell the BOE your precinct number, households only and if you want the labels of just Republicans or if you want Republicans and No Party (Independents). The BOE can even print the labels for you at a very reasonable price.

Any questions. Email Ann Becker beckerae@gmail.com. Call/Text 513-375-3864

It's hard to come back to earth from the cloud of exhilaration that enveloped us during the Republican National Convention. We heard the truth about what Donald Trump has been accomplishing for the people of the United States, truth the media never told.

President's re-election campaign recently released a set of core priorities for a second term. Below are summaries of three of these priorities that illustrate what the President plans to achieve in his second term.

I am writing to encourage you to vote in our November election. The past year has been a difficult one with Covid-19, riots and political unrest. The defund the police movement is hurting our safety and our communities by devaluing the work done by our incredible and brave first responders.

MAKE YOUR VOTE COUNT! Hello Friends, Our country is being invaded from within. The left, headed by the Democrat party and assisted by the liberal media, wants to overthrow our republic and instill its socialist policies. In order to do so, it is threatening our basic right to vote.