Become a part of the team
The Butler County Republican Party is an all-volunteer organization. It takes a lot of people to make our organization work.
If you are passionate about protecting our country from the liberal agenda we would love to have you on our team. We have many ways for you to help, especially during election time.
Volunteer to talk to our voters, work in our office, help with signs and more.
Help pass out slate cards during Early Voting
Early voting starts October 8th at the Butler County Board of Elections. We ask for volunteers to hand slate cards to the voters going to vote. Click the button below to volunteer. There are many days and shifts.
Volunteer as a Poll Observer
The Butler County Republican Party will be participating in the Ohio Election Integrity with State Director, Brooke Bihlman. This election needs volunteers to be a Poll Observer for each of the Early Voting Days at the Board of Elections in Hamilton, Ohio.
A Poll Observer is inside the polling location for a specific shift monitoring the voting process as it is defined in Ohio. Specific virtual training is provided with the description of this position, the voting process, function, responsibilities, observation of red flags/noncompliance of procedures, and the reporting process to the Ohio Election Integrity Group.
There are many days and shifts to volunteer for. Click the button below to sign up for a shift.
Election Day
Election Day is a huge day in politics. It’s also a huge day for our volunteers. We have volunteers all over Butler County at the polling location passing out slate cards to voters going into the polls, answering questions and thanking voters for turning out to vote.
It is great to see our Republic in action on Election Day.
Click the link below to volunteer at your polling location for Election Day.